There Ain’t No Justice by Norman Shabel

There Ain’t No Justice portrays the life of a New Jersey Assistant Prosecutor Joshua Gordon, who is assigned the daunting task of convincing a jury that Jesse Springfield, a poor country girl, was raped by Robert Anderson, an honored war veteran. 

Haunted by his tortuous past, Josh battles his own demons as he seeks redemption from the slums of Brooklyn and the poverty and abuse that marked his childhood. 

Faced with a biased judge, an incompetent doctor and damning defense evidence Josh must overcome all odds and get the conviction he desperately needs for justice to be served for Jesse…and himself.


“With realism and imagination, we can call Norman Shabel the new Harold Robbins and Thomas Wolf…he has written a detailed, realistic, sexy picturesque story. I LOVE IT!!! With a truly dramatic surprise ending his imagination has no bounds!”   - James Logan Jr.  – Renowned NJ Trial Attorney